Macrotrachela decora var.; whirling. The diet of the specimens in this sample is desintegrating or reproducing cells of the green alga Trentepohlia (some of the cells can be seen below the rotifer in this image) |
Macrotrachela decora var.; head of whirling specimen; focus plane on the ligula in the sulcus (arrowhead). |
Macrotrachela decora var.; 4 aspects of the foot. The spurs are very short, cone-shaped with distinct tips (visible in the upper right image). The spurs seem to be appendages of a footplate. The top two images of the same object give the impression that there are two toes. On the other hand, the lower left picture shows a sheath which surrounds the two toes of the upper images together; a separation into two toes is not visible. This ambiguity of the findings is exactly what Donner (1965) describes for Macrotrachela decora. Lower right image: foot glands. |
Macrotrachela decora var.; pores in the integument. |
Macrotrachela decora var.; trophi, dental formula 3/3 |
Location: Arnsberger Wald; NRW, Germany; Hochmoor (Kapellenplatz) |
Habitat: bark of fir tree, between Trentepohlia aurea |
Date: 07.11.2018 |